During an engaging Fireside Chat at the Discovery Sessions, Jim Fadiman, a renowned expert in entheogenic research, together with Jordan Gruber, explored the intricacies of microdosing psilocybin mushrooms. The session titled “Psychedelics, Microdosing & More” brought to light their most recent collaborative efforts captured in their latest book, focusing on advanced microdosing techniques that maximize therapeutic and creative benefits without noticeable entheogenic effects.

James Fadiman, widely recognized for his development of the Fadiman protocol for microdosing magic mushrooms, addressed questions regarding the ideal intensity of microdoses, advocating for doses that remain “sub-threshold” rather than “sub-perceptual” or higher. The dialogue introduced attendees to the concept of “sub-threshold” dosing—a more accurate description of the optimal level of microdosing.

“Originally, ‘sub-perceptual’ was used to describe doses that don’t significantly alter consciousness or induce intoxication,” Fadiman clarified. “However, based on continuous feedback and research, we’ve shifted towards ‘sub-threshold’ dosing, which is defined by its capacity to deliver benefits without crossing into perceptible psychedelic experiences.”

The concept of “sub-threshold” dosing reflects a refined understanding aimed at avoiding any overt entheogenic effects while ensuring the dose remains effective. Fadiman emphasized how such dosing allows individuals to maintain their daily routine without disruption, thereby supporting a productive day.

“If individuals begin to notice hallucinations or significant changes in perception, this indicates that the dose has exceeded the sub-threshold level,” Fadiman pointed out. He recommended reducing the dose or stopping altogether if adverse effects persist, noting that such reactions often stem from individual sensitivities to what is generally considered a standard dose.

This Fireside Chat marks a pivotal update in the approach to microdosing within the entheogenic community, providing a framework for both practitioners and researchers interested in the nuanced potential of entheogens administered in controlled, subtle doses. Fadiman and Gruber’s discussion highlighted the critical importance of precision in dosing in the complex field of entheogens.

Participants left the session equipped with a deeper understanding of how strategic and mindful microdosing can enhance mental health and everyday life, safely and effectively, under the guidance of experts like Fadiman and Gruber.
